Thursday, February 14, 2008


Pardon my Spanish, but I'm a little pissed off at the moment. I just spent about an hour and a half filling everybody in on everything that has happened in the past week, and when I tried to post my masterpiece, I lost my connection and with it, my writing. I feel like doing something really destructive like smashing my computer, but I'll try my best to resist. So, instead of reading a hilarious and quite informative recap of my first time to the beach, you're reading my grumblings about faulty wireless internet. I'm sorry, if i had time I would love to redo it for you, but its late and I'm leaving early tomorrow morning for Carnival in Puntarenas. Yes Carnival! I am very excited, and now feel a little bit better than I did just a minute ago. I will be very safe and take precautions in order not to get shot, stabbed or mugged while celebrating. Afterwards, we'll be heading down to Playa Hermosa for two days in order to hopefully learn how to surf. I'll post back with details from both trips when I return. I apologize for the short, and rather uninteresting posts recently, but I do have a fairly good excuse. I promise I'll make it up to you.


Anonymous said...

you're never going to land a book deal with this lackadaisical bull-shit, man.
p.s. you're a douche. (not really of course.)

Anonymous said...

have fun at carnival. i can only imagine the adventure. maybe while your traveling this weekend you will be able to come up with something interesting to write. until then just keep up the mundane posts


Andrew said...

That happened to me so often while in China. Sorry it happened to you!

Anonymous said...


I feel nothing but sorrow for your lost. But your posts have been lacking lately. If you want to come back to America someday, you must spice it up. I would learn more about your trip reading the back of a milk carton.

Here is looking at you kid,

Armon Kolver

Sarah said...

the internet sucks!!! but, i looove you! have fun, and good luck at carnival. i hope it was better than the carnival in malta. for some reason the maltese think it's funny to fling mud at each other with giant shovels in the middle of the streets...??(they're not quite as developed here) hehe.

love you!